

Dear Visitors, Welcome to dialoguesinwoundmanagement.com!  We have worked behind the scenes to build this site with the specific aim of aggregating real-world content and thought leadership in one place to provide you with access to some of the best thinking from your peers across the country and around the world!

As we continue to lead the way in terms of medical education, we are delighted to enhance our content through this new digital offering. You will be able to search topics by author, keyword and browse through past years’ content to view and download articles that are relevant to you. As we expand the site, our goal is to provide additional material in the form of poster presentations and videos which will truly make the site one of the most comprehensive resources for information on wound management anywhere out there!

Please continue to visit the site regularly as we plan on posting new content often and please share your feedback about the site and/or its content with us. Also, please share the site with your peers who may not have yet heard about it or seen it. Thank you again for your support as we continue to shed light on important issues in wound management.
Best wishes,
Ronald P. Silverman, MD, FACS | KCI
Chief Medical Director
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